A SCHOOL will be opening its own healthy tuck shop – and it will be ran and maintained by the kids.
Lucky children will be encouraged to eat well, and will also develop business skills by handling money and using computers to work out prices and profits.
The project is being introduced at the Hillside Primary and Nursery, in Roberts Lane, Hucknall.
It ticks all the boxes of the government’s Every Child Matters scheme, which was introduced after the murder of eight year old Victoria Climbié in London.
Under the scheme, the government's aim is for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well being.
School learning mentor Petra Morrish (correct), one of the staff involved in setting up the shop, said: “This is a really good thing to do for the school, and for the children.”
“It covers many different areas of the national curriculum, and the children are really looking forward to it as well,” she added.
Snacks on sale will include, fruit, cereal bars, raisins, flapjacks and orange and apple juice.
The price limit on everything is 20p, making it affordable for everyone, and a small profit will be made that will go back into the school. The children will be working at the shop themselves, and coming up with the pricing systems.
School Chair of Governors Ruth Stamper (correct), said: “This gives the children a sense of responsibility, as well as promoting healthy eating.”
The school will fund the project itself, and the food has been bought by parents. Tesco donated £10 to the project.
Parent Claire Ash (correct), said: “It’s great that the children have been given the opportunity to eat healthily.”